Flow, Vault, and Cycles (FVC)
#FVC #productivity
Flow, Vault, and Cycles is the framework for managing life using all the resources from Project Compendium. It is a system developed based on the Life-Disciplines-Projects Framework.[^1], Pillars, Pipelines, Vaults Framework (PPV), and Obsidian Life Manager.
This is a hybrid system. Both a physical journal1 and Obsidian are part of the system.
The framework consists of, as its name suggests, three parts:
- Flow is the part that governs action and purpose. Life sets direction for life and Pipeline turns direction into action.
- Vault is the place where knowledge management takes place. Vault interacts with Flow to empower action.
- Cycles are repeated reflections responsible for keeping life on track with periodic Alignments.
Going graphical.
Project Compendium - System_2022-03-13 12.43.05.excalidraw
code named the Analogue Mirror ↩︎