#linux #command
Edit: zellij is a better alternative in many ways
A useful terminal multiplier multiplexer (hmm whatever)
It lets you run terminal sessions and have multiple panes in the same session
- handling sessions
⌃ B
to detach sessiontmux ls
to list running tmux sessionstmux a -t 0
to attach to session 0tmux a -t foo
to attach to session with namefoo
tmux rename-session -t 0 foo
to rename session 0tmux new -s foo
to make session with namefoo
tmux kill-session -t 0
to kill session 0
- panes
⌃ B
to make new pane to the right⌃ B
to make new pane to the bottom⌃ B
to switch paneesc
to close pane
- windows
⌃ B
for new window⌃ B
to switch to window⌃ B
to rename window